Just so y’all know, the Macbook Pro assigned to me by the church in the Philippines for which I work, has crashed. At around 4:30pm Friday afternoon, I closed Macky’s lid so I could bring him to the canteen for a working snack. When I reopened him, his screen was black. Efforts to resuscitate him, including hard starts and praying over, with matching laying on of hands, were futile. We are accepting offers of sympathy, flowers and Ruffles Sour Cream and Cheddar.
The Kids Ministry has lent me a temporary laptop – another Macbook Pro, albeit with a smaller screen, who I have christened Tempy, after Temperance Brennan of Bones, and because this laptop is temporary – while I wait for Macky’s repair, but Sundays I have to give it up while it’s used in Sunday school.
I’m finding having no laptop surreal to say the least. I’ve always had a laptop with me; tech-related work has been my life for the past six years. I’m now using the time to catch up on my reading – Make It Stick and Defining Brand Identity are on my reading lists – but without a computer to take notes, it’s been difficult. I’m a little worried about tomorrow’s podcast uploading; not quite sure if my Passwords document is updated. Oh wait, I can’t access my Passwords document, it’s in my laptop.
It’s like my world has suddenly come to an abrupt and violent end. I know the world doesn’t revolve around work, but truth be told, for the most part, for a workaholic like me, it does. My boss and wife have both told me, This is probably the best thing that’s ever happened to you. While I’m inclined to agree, this may very well be so.
This week has been AWFUL. I haven’t had a worse week since 2008, when I had to deal with both my half-brother and my best friend dying on me within two weeks of each other. This week, my mother landed in the hospital, I had tons of graphic design deadlines, and I’m pretty sure I gained a ton of weight. (I’m actually afraid to weigh myself.) The final straw was Macky dying on me.
I’m reminded of Job, who lost everything. What did he do when he lost his family (except a nagging wife), his fortune, and even his health? He praised God anyway. In the midst of his suffering, and his turmoil, and his pain, he said, the Lord gives, the Lord takes away, the name of the Lord be praised.
God, I praise You because I know that You are going to make beauty of these ashes. I praise You because when hindsight kicks in, I am going to see how You worked this evil out for good. I praise You because I am anticipating a windfall of blessing – a new computer? my mom’s renewed health? an unanticipated financial blessing? a new job? – that You’re going to give according to Your perfect will, in Your perfect timing, and I will have so much in my storehouses that I will not have enough space to contain it all.
I praise You, God! Thank You for Macky; he has served me well.