My new ParoDeen sends up Keala Settle's "This is Me" from "The Greatest Showman," and it celebrates the UNLI samgyeupsal promotions of Korean grills in the Philippines. I love Korean food, man. GIVE ME MEAT Lyrics Ganns Deen I am driving to Korea Town “Go away,” they...
My Little Pony Gangnam Style
I saw the My Little Pony parody of Psy's Gangnam Style dance and couldn't stop laughing. This is gold for children of the 80s.
Going into the industry
So I've decided to pursue comedic acting and singing full-time. Because not everyone's gonna like me and say terrible things about me, I'm going to need thick skin... but no problem, I've got that already! Happy April Fool's Day!
Ganns vs. Metal Puzzles
The Ganns vs. Stuff web series is a collection of videos that feature me battling things or events that I've never experienced before. The first episode is a battle between me and four metal brain teasers.
Weird Al Yankovic, “Perform This Way”
Neither "Weird Al" Yankovic nor Lady Gaga are Christian, so I doubt many of my regular readers would've expected to see this on, but it would be a crime if I didn't share these three minutes of brilliance with you. Presenting Perform This Way, Yankovic's...

Child of God • Husband • Father • Author • Food Blogger & Vlogger ••• Canberra, AU Welcome to my food blog! Currently in Canberra, AU until 2022! More than just food, though, I write about family, fun, and faith. Come join the journey!