Rock Salt restaurant in Timog satisfies

In a nutshell: This a review of a new restaurant in Timog called “Rock Salt.”

Last night, after a fruitless attempt to get into Trinoma for its Green Light Sale – luckily, we were also there the night before, where we were able to secure a 15% discount on iPod earphones (with remote and microphone) – Cathy and I decided to drive along Timog Avenue looking for a restaurant in Quezon City to eat in. Because I had kare-kare for lunch, I didn’t feel like eating at Jay-J’s Inasal, which is usually where we eat when we’re in that area, so we decided to look around.

We then saw a Timog restaurant nearby, right beside Savory Chicken (which is another delicious place to eat). I gotta admit that the font of its name was what attracted me to the restaurant, which called itself Rock Salt. We walked in and were pleasantly surprised to find out that 1) the first level was a lounge for customers to wait if the second floor was full of diners, and 2) it’s a hatchery for a culinary institute! “Eh, eat food cooked by students?” was my first thought. Then again, my wife does do work for DLS-CSB, and I’ve had good food cooked by the kids over there, so I figured what the heck.

Rock Salt was decorated tastefully, with mostly creamy-white furniture and new art. Deciding to eat there was a good decision, because the food at the Rock Salt restaurant in Quezon City is awesome! Pics – grainy ones shot with my Nokia 5300, sorry – follow with my comments on each item.

The angry shrimp cakes were perfectly cooked. Just the right amount of crispness. The side chili sauces come in two variants, mild and hot. Delicious, guys!

This nice little collage of various food-related pictures and images decorate the stairwell leading to the dining area.

Notice the pretty girl, then the pretty wire bowls hanging on the wall.

Some of the students hard at work.

This is their Cheese Steak Burger, obviously based on the Philly Cheese Steak premise. I wasn’t expecting it to be so large. And delicious. Panalo to. I asked for it well done, but it was delivered, at best, medium well, which wasn’t half-bad. The cheese steak was ridiculously good. Hindi ko naubos in one sitting. Plus the side salad was great.

This is the pan-fried salmon with asparagus and dill cream. It’s larger than it looks. Flaky goodness, check. Well-cooked fish, check. Breadcrumbs on top, check. Dill cream, check. Sarap sarap? Check.

Another shot of my burger reveals the bottom of the buns were toasted, arguably in butter. Forget your diets this one time if you go for this. Plus, the fries are barbecue-flavored, which is great for the kids, but I found ’em a wee bit salty.

Their bathroom set-up is unisex, but it’s clean and large.

Cathy and I really enjoyed our meal at Rock Salt. She’s already planning which friends to bring. I, since I have no friends, will tag along and eat another cheese steak burger at another table.
Ironically, I forgot to take photos of the outside, but trust me when I tell you the font’s cute, kinda old-school with a touch of Rockefeller class.

Child of God • Husband • Father • Author • Food Blogger & Vlogger ••• Canberra, AU Welcome to my food blog! Currently in Canberra, AU until 2022! More than just food, though, I write about family, fun, and faith. Come join the journey!