The hot topic of the day is Hayden Kho, and the Philippines is crucifying him.
They cringe at his videotaped sexual exploits, now available at your local DVD pirates’ shop. They say he is a sick man who should be stripped of his medical license, as quickly as he stripped his sexual partners of their dignity by videotaping them without their knowledge or consent.
In their disgust, they laugh at the size of his manhood and taunt him for the brevity of his sexual performance.
Well, A little birdie – not his, apparently, oops, sorry, couldn’t help the cheap joke, I apologize – told me that he went to a Christian school in his youth.
Is it possible that somewhere along the way, he lost touch with his relationship with God? Is it possible that the industry in which he chose to practice, one that places a premium of self-improvement through artificial means instead of true beauty from within, has jaded him to the love of God?
My heart bleeds for the women he’s wronged. He will be made to account for his actions. I pray for them to heal from the trauma, and for them to find the heart to forgive him for what he’s done. It may be arguably the most difficult thing to do, so I do pray God gives them comfort, peace, and the support of family and friends to get through this. May healing be theirs.
However, if Hayden Kho needs anything right now, I think it’s prayer. Prayer for him to find his way back to God. Prayer for him to humble himself and seek forgiveness for his actions from the women he has done wrong by. He needs prayer for his heart to be renewed, for his life to be restored, and for God to make beauty of these ashes of his life and career.
I’m praying for you, Hayden. If and when God does something amazing in your life, your testimony, the one that points solely to God as your salvation and strength, will impact the lives of thousands, if not tens of thousands, if not millions. I’m going to stand by and watch God work.