Fantasia, American Idol Season Three winner, is set to premier a reality television show on VH1, according to this post on The show apparently aims to document Fantasia’s life as artist and single mother. (Hilton hinted that 1) the show would be boring (“Yawnsville!”), and that 2) she had mortgage bills to pay.)
If our cable company had VH1, I’d tune in to Fantasia’s show. Seriously. The woman may have signed on for reasons more than monetary – not everyone could afford a cash loan – but that doesn’t change the facts that 1) she’s immensely talented; 2) she’s always interesting; and 3) she’s trying to earn a living for herself and her daughter.
Show business is an unforgiving business, and the 15 minutes of fame afforded reality television stars is even more fleeting and temporary than your typical television personality, simply by the nature of the “reality television show.” I like Fantasia. I enjoyed her first single, I Believe, and her latest album, Fantasia, gave us When I See U and Hood Boy (which, despite its lack of poetic merit, is still a pretty catchy song). Bore Me was a pretty good song, too.
I’m just saying, I’d support Fantasia. (Heck, I would support Jennifer Hudson to my dying breath; why not support the woman who won her season?) Here’s hoping her show succeeds.