
Okay, I have a confession to make.

I don’t know where this blog is headed.

I’ve had so much fun over at Future Thin Guy, and in between doses of maintaining my Hyundai Getz website and my Multiply website, the raison d’etre for GannsDeen.com has gotten a little diluted. Of course, it also doesn’t help that Google did some fancy mumbo jumbo and suddenly my blog posts don’t show up on the SERPs anymore.

But it’s still a PR4, so I don’t want to kill it naman, kasi sayang. I just don’t know how many people actually still visit here.

So this is just another post to tell y’all to check out the other three websites I mentioned, while I try to figure out and make sense of this latest identity crisis for the website that actually bears my name.

Child of God • Husband • Father • Author • Food Blogger & Vlogger ••• Canberra, AU Welcome to my food blog! Currently in Canberra, AU until 2022! More than just food, though, I write about family, fun, and faith. Come join the journey!