Vera tags me with Seven Random Facts About Me, and Anj tags me with a 20 Questions-type meme.
From and for Vera
1. I have three tattoos. One of Calvin and Hobbes, one of an Egyptian ankh, and one of a tiger tearing its way out of my skin.
2. I have one ear piercing. Got it less than a year ago. Midlife crisis hasn’t quite ended yet.
3. I once shoplifted. I stole a cassette tape of The Pixies from National Bookstore. It was not a good album.
4. I have run over at least three cats. The guilt occasionally gnaws at me.
5. I used to go to Ateneo with a Coleman full of Long Island Iced Tea that was 80% rum and 20% iced tea. Playing for the Blue Babble stone-drunk and getting away with it was a feather in my cap.
6. I can’t whistle. So when people who can, do it in front of me to spite me, I spit at them.
7. I am forgiven. Despite all my stupidity, my flaws, and my loopiness, God continued and continues to love me. He took all of the above, forgave me for them, and gave me second, third, countless chances. He can do the same for any of you. Don’t let anything in your past stop you from achieving that glorious future that God has promised you in His Word. He won’t leave you and He will always have your back. I guarantee it.
For this meme, I tag anyone wearing anything red.
From and For Anj
Rules of Engagement. Remove one question from below, and add in your personal question. (Mine is marked with the triple dollar sign) to make it a total of 20 questions, then tag eight (8) people in your list. List them out at the end of the post.
2. What color do you like the most?
3. Have you ever shoplifted?
4. Where would you like to go to the most? right now?
5. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do?
6. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
7. What do you love the most about last year, 2007?
8. List 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
9. How do you cope with boredom?
10. Do you have any obsessions right now?
11. What was the last three books you’ve read?
12. If you have one wish, what would you wish for?
13.Given a chance to join a reality show, which one would you join?
14.What`s your favourite TV show?
15.Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
16. What do you look forward in 2008?
$$$ 17. Burgers or pizza?
18. When you die, what is it you’d like to be remembered for?
19. Greatest dream?