Over the course of the past three days, I’ve visited these two websites for a barrel of laughs. They come highly recommended.
Odd Fish. A recommendation from my friend Ariel, this online comic strip features an octopus and a puffer fish, and is drawn with ballpoint pen! It is shamelessly corny, relying mostly on really bad puns. Which makes it the perfect comic strip.
Overheard in NY. I bought this book with Cathy titled Overheard in New York, and it’s so funny! It’s quite vulgar, I must admit, because the book – and website – are basically conversations overheard in the Big Apple. There’s also a book titled Overheard in the Office, but it was thinner than the former, and since both were priced similarly, I opted for the thicker book. It’s funny. Here’s a sample:
Girl #1: My worst fear is falling on a picket fence or getting eaten by a shark.
Girl #2: Oh yeah, well my worst fear is someone pushing me forward onto a blackboard and having my teeth scrape down the front. That would be awful.
— Overheard at Grand Central Station
What other funny websites do you like?