A few weeks ago, my thyme plants appeared to have died. All the leaves had withered; the stems were dried out. I thought they were dead, but I continued to water the plants for weeks.
Today, I decided to transfer Nathan’s tomato plant–currently housed in a plastic soda bottle–to the thyme pot. To my surprise, hidden among the thick dried leaves were small leaves, and there was faint green along the stems. I pruned the plant and was relieved and excited to see that it wasn’t dead. My watering, even when I didn’t see it working, had paid off.
What great rewards await us when we simply stay faithful. Whether people or plants, pets or a career, just keep at it, & trust that God will reward your faithfulness and obedience with whatever you need to sustain His mission for you.
Because I’ve learned that in this life, He makes all things beautiful in His thyme.