Korean supergroup Shinhwa, who recently reunited after a four-year military service period served by four of five of its members (member Hye Sung was exempted from the draft because he is the only son in his family).
We’re expecting Shinhwa, who launches the first of two comeback concerts tonight at the Seoul Olympics Stadium, to unveil the official music video of Venus, its comeback single, at the concert. You can bet the 20,000 Shinwa Changjos are beside themselves with excitement. (Quick shoutout to my wife’s friends Jenna, Ting, and Pia, who are among those 20,000 right now, screaming their heads off no doubt.)
As soon as Shinhwa’s Venus official music video is released, I’ll embed it here, because this is legendary for any K-Pop fans, and as a fan service to Caths Deen, the hottest K-Pop writer on earth, I’m writing about Shinhwa. LOL
Update: It’s out! The Shinhwa Venus MV is out! :)