As of February 20, 2010, these are my top 10 favorite songs. At five, the number of debuts is totally unprecedented in the history of my personal chart. Also interesting: last week’s #1 falls out of the chart completely, the first time that’s ever happened. I don’t think I’ve ever had a Filipino song followed up by a Korean song, sorry USA. And finally, guess what? I can only understand two songs in the Top 10. lol Okay, KPop has officially arrived on my chart. lol
Casting Crowns’ former #1 song “Who Am I” returns to the #1 spot, courtesy of Super Junior’s Siwon, whose live rendition of this Christian staple at the group’s Super Show 2 double CD is stellar, despite the occasionally distracting accent. I’ve never been happier! Thanks to Choi Siwon, I have a #1 song that is both Christian and Korean! Hahaha!
1. Who Am I (new) Super Junior featuring Siwon
[audio:Super Junior – Who Am I.mp3]
2. Oetoriya (2) CN Blue
3. Insomnia (new) Super Junior feat. Ryeowook
[audio:Ryeowook – Insomnia.mp3]
4. Let You Go (3) TRAX
[audio:Let You Go.mp3]
5. Hot Issue (8) 4Minute
[audio:Hot Issue.mp3]
6. Run To You (new) Super Junior feat. Kangin
7. Oh! (5) SNSD/Girls Generation
8. It’s U (Remix) (new) Super Junior
9. Jojo (4) SHINee
10. We Are the World (new) Artists for Haiti
[audio:We Are The World 25.mp3]