Here’s a roundup of some new singles from Contemporary Christian artists:
Mark Harris, Nothing Takes You By Surprise. Harris hit paydirt with Find Your Wings, and this worthy ballad is just as powerful and just as soaring. A song about the reliability of God in times of trouble, any depressed soul can sing along in tears.
[audio:Nothing Takes You By Surprise.mp3]
Jordan Biel, Beautiful. Independent release from independent musician finds an irresistible acoustic guitar hook serving as musical bed to an easy memorable sing-along chorus. Christian AC radio would do well to give this more than a couple of spins.
Natalie Grant, Perfect People. I was never a Natalie Grant fan, but this new single could very well change my mind. A strong, passionate delivery serves to underscore the hook: there are no perfect people, but there is a perfect God. Coooool.
[audio:Perfect People.mp3]
Rush of Fools, Lose It All. I know Rush of Fools for Undo, but this is so different, and I am loving it! I can imagine Lose It All being sung in stadiums worldwide with people mosh pit dancing for Jesus. Sweet!!
[audio:Lose It All.mp3]
Mike’s Chair, Can’t Take Away. My favorite of this week’s five, Can’t Take Away boasts of harmonies, a great singalong chorus, and a radio-friendly sound that will set airwaves on fire. These guys have been hard at work for a while, so the building radio success is well-deserved.
[audio:Can’t Take Away.mp3]