This week, I’d like to recommend the following two songs for your CCM consideration:
1) New Day by Brian Bates. First off, I think New Day is a great title for a song. It was fantastic when handled by Avalon – the greatest Christian vocal group ever, dissensions will be deleted from the Comments box – and in the hands of newcomer Brian Bates, New Day becomes a buoyant declaration of joy. Having read Bates’ bio and realizing the extent of how far he’s come both as an artist and as a believer, I can tell you that New Day is no ordinary Christian track; it is an unequivocal celebration of trust in God to provide. Absolutely brilliant.
2. Reign in Us by Starfield. For the record, I can’t get on-board Starfield’s brand of rock. Little too loud, little too frantic, little too young for my tastes. But this group is anointed when it comes to making worship songs that speak to the inner worshipper in all of us. We had a taste of that two years ago with the masterful Son of God. This year, Inspo stations across the globe can rejoice with the release to radio of Reign in Us, one of the strongest CCM singles from any Contemporary Christian pop-rock group in 2008 thus far. I can see youth groups and progressive churches singing this from their rafters to amazing effect.