This week on Ganns’ Giveaway, I’m giving away a copy of 1001 Surprising Things You Should Know About God by Jerry MacGregor and Marie Prys to one special blogger. As you join, it will enable me to get to know you better and cover you in prayer. How simple is that?
“1001 Surprising Things You Should Know About God is packed with unique, important, and unfamiliar facts about God. Brief, accessible entries make the information fun and easy to take in, even for busy readers. This lively book is for everyone who wants to know more about God and His character and actions. It is also a handy reference tool for pastors and teachers looking for interesting illustration material or succinct definitions.”
To qualify for Ganns’ Giveaway, just make a blog entry in your own blog about something God did for you that surprised you. State somewhere in your post something you are praying God will grant you by the end of 2008. After you’ve placed your blog post online, add a comment to this post leading me to your blog entry. While I will select a winning entry to win the book, I will include each of your prayer requests – assuming I agree with it, of course, I won’t pray for stuff that isn’t Biblical, d-uh – in my own prayer time, so there will be at least two people praying for your prayer request: you and me!
Deadline for blog posts is Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 11:59PM (Philippine time).
(A quick note: the book is in excellent condition, not a crease or fold, but I just noticed the lower edges of the pages are a little dirty. If you can look past that, please do join!)