Last night featured the most horrific series of dreams. The most disturbing of all of them? Elliott Yamin joins the Yaminoys on a tour of a revamped Puerto Princesa Crocodile Farm, and is gobbled up by a 15-foot crocodile! I was so disturbed and distraught by that dream that I woke up soaked in my own sweat. Of course, true to my PR background, all I could say in the dream was, OMG, what are the Yaminions and E-Trainers going to say?! The last thing the Philippines needs is to be the venue of a high-profile celebrity death! Ack!
Seriously, major major Elliott Yamin overload these past three days. Cathy and I have been eating, sleeping, and breathing Elliott day and night. The only two other CDs that have managed to squeeze Deen family airplay since Friday are High School Musical and Putomayo’s African Playground, both of which are Nathan’s favorite CDs,and were played in honor of his fourth birthday. If it weren’t his birthday, Nate would probably have to deal with One Word, our latest favorite Elliott Yamin song.
The Yaminoys are planning a major Elliott Yamin push on the 28th at the Alabang Town Center, the final leg of his Philippine mall tour (incidentally, his first promo push outside of the United States; I guess he didn’t push through with the UK?). I excused myself from work last Friday to make it. Should I become the ultimate journalist fan-boy and accompany my wife there too?
Oi vey, decisions, decisions. I’m so verklempt!