A brief prayer

Lord, You are majestic and great, a refuge, a tower, a source of strength when there is none left to give. I praise You in times in plenty and praise you in times of famine, I run to You when hope is lost and run to You when hope springs as eternal as Your glory, Your Name, Your love. I give thanks for Your providence, that out of nowhere come blessings when least expected. Thank you, Lord!

Father, I pray for the families and friends of all affected by the tragedy at Virginia Tech. 33 lives will not be forgotten. I pray for healing, for reconciliation, for love to spring forth, refreshing all who are touched.

Father, I claim emotional healing for the family and friends of Julia Campbell. I pray for their forgiveness of us on behalf of our nation. I pray the love Julia showed the people of Donsol motivates them to find her killers and bring them to justice.

I pray for complete physical healing for Jody McBrayer, a man I hold in highest regard. I claim healing for his heart condition in the name of Jesus. I claim a long life for him with Stephanie and his family, and a renewed faith and vigor in him as thousands throughout the world join me for his swift and safe recovery. Miracles, Lord, in the name of Jesus. MIRACLES!

Finally, I pray for Cathy and Nikki, that the rest of my wife’s pregnancy will be relatively free of Braxton-Hicks, in Jesus’ name, and that Nikki will join us safely and soundly in Your time, Lord.

In the name of the Christ, whose name Jesus opens doors and possibilities previously closed, Amen.

Child of God • Husband • Father • Author • Food Blogger & Vlogger ••• Canberra, AU Welcome to my food blog! Currently in Canberra, AU until 2022! More than just food, though, I write about family, fun, and faith. Come join the journey!